Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dead Last: Final Cut Project

The above link will send you to my video.

This video is about a race that the three of us have to get to Tim Horton's. We all go up to Peter's farm one day to ski. After a day of skiing, we decide we are going to go to Tim Horton's to get something to eat, and the last one there has to pay. Peter and I go cross country while Graham finds another means of transportation. We all get there in the end but some things go wrong...

I think that we did pretty well in the end, I am fairly happy with my editing job. Two things that I would like to change for next time would be getting more "B roll" film so that we can add more angles for better effects. I also would like to come up with a more entertaining idea because I feel that I could think of better ideas than this one.